When you’re feeling stuck & Unmotivated…

I think it can be so easy to get caught up in your own routine that you start to feel stuck and unmotivated. I have been dedicating all my time to taking care of everyone and everything else. I wasn’t sleeping well, having a hard time getting up in the morning, I felt stagnant in my body.

This last week, Hayden went out of town, and the girls were with their dad. I was alone. I had made all these plans with myself, all these things I was going to get done, but then I had the chance to be able to do it all, but I couldn’t bring myself to. “Kylie, just fucking journal it out, just get it all out of your head so you can actually make a plan.” I kept “shoulding” on myself: I should journal, I should do yoga, I should formulate that herbal blend, I should get the herbal syrup kits together, so on and so forth. I could tell, I was looking for ANY distraction. Anything to keep my mind off of my own thoughts. I decided not to force myself to journal, but to take it easy, watch the last episode of Money Heist, delete the stupid netflix app off my phone, clean up the kitchen, draw myself a bath where I would just lay in it and read with my journal next to me just in case. I slept so well that night that I was able to get up early, get some sun in my eyes and ground my feet on the earth, do yoga, take the dogs for a walk, get some writing done, journal, plan some things out, etc. I felt so good. No crash in the afternoon, no problem falling asleep, and no problem waking up the next day to do it again. 

What I took away from all of this was, it’s okay to be alone. It’s okay to take it easy, and then set the environment so that you can journal and ask yourself those tough questions. What do you want, what are your goals, what can you do a little bit everyday to get to where you want to be? When you are looking to be distracted: scrolling on your phone.. cleaning.. Just take note of it. Just be aware. You don’t need to judge. Know that you are on the verge of some major mindset changes. Take a bath, read, eat some whole foods, get some fucking sleep, and know that when you take care of yourself, it allows you to make decisions outside of survival mode, outside of the day to day routine. Then you can start to implement some of those habits you want to make happen. 

Day 4 of yoga today! And feeling soooo good.  

Here are some ideas for times where you feel like you’re alone, avoiding your own thoughts, stuck, unmotivated:

Herbal Hug Tea:

½ tsp. Rose petals

½ tsp Chamomile

½ tsp. Lemon Balm

½ tsp. Pine Needles

Steep for 10 minutes- enjoy!

Magnesium Oil Bath:

1 cup magnesium flakes 

1 cup hot water (or herbal infusion, I did a rose infusion!)

Mix together until dissolved and pour it into your bath.

Burn some herbs: (mini cauldron optional!) cleans and purifies the air, improves mood, reduces stress, dispels negative energy.

Get into your body and breathe: yoga, put some music on and dance, jumping up and down, take a walk, hula hooping, get in the garden, play with your dog, etc.

What things do you like to do for yourself when you're stuck or unmotivated? How do you come out of those feelings?


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