
Let’s just talk about it.

I regularly receive messages from family, friends, and followers asking what recommendations I might have for their situation. Sometimes there is a quick solution but it’s hard to tell without the whole story…

I love helping people and meeting their needs. I also know what it’s like to feel stuck and need to process it with a like-minded being. I choose to hold space for those who need it! In a consultation with me, I will listen to your story and ask questions. A disclaimer - I’m not a healthcare professional, my goal is not to prevent, cure, treat, or diagnose, but I do help You see the bigger picture and get to the root of a situation. It is my aim that through our conversations we consider all aspects of life, including but not limited to: diet, environment, daily lifestyle habits, mindset, emotions, and more.

I’m not looking to mask symptoms but to work with the information your body is giving you to dive deeper and find the live-in solutions.

What you can expect at your first Herbal Consultation

A standard 1 hour consultation with me consists of three parts:

Step 1: Questionnaire

The first step starts with gathering your background information. By filling out this brief but in-depth questionnaire. I am able to collect the straightforward background information before we even start to chat. This allows us to dive right into the focus of your healing during our call.

Please take your time with this and allow at least one hour to fill it out in detail.

  • Please note a completed questionnaire must be emailed to me at least 1 week (7 days) prior to our scheduled consultation. (Please keep this in mind when picking your date.)

  • Upon receiving this form I dedicate 2 to 3 hours to the research and the initial creation of your personalized wellness plan.

  • All information is kept private and is never shared. If I feel the need to seek additional advice on a specific situation, I will always first obtain your written permission as well as remove any identifying information.

  • Due to the time and energy commitment of these sessions, I am currently only accepting two Consultations per week.

    Sunday-Saturday between 9am to 3pm.

  • There are no refunds if you decide to cancel your consultation.

    For additional information please visit my policy page here

Step 2: Consult

The selected date and time for our Consultation is one hour of dedicated talk time, we will dive right in and start to unpack the focus for your healing. Together we will look at what makes up our Whole person.

Body, Mind, Spirit, and Environment.

Step 3: Personal Wellness plan

Following our meeting, I will update the initially draft wellness plan with more from our conversation and send you an updated digital copy. The plan may cover daily lifestyle habits, nutrition (from whole foods, herbs, or supplements), products to consider, protocols, books to read, etc.

While it is called a 1-Hour Consultation in actuality you received over 3 hours of my time and energy dedicated to your healing journey!

I look forward to opportunity to learn and aid you on your healing journey

The love that flows…

  • Elora

    I know it’s super easy to grab things quickly off the shelves, but in today’s day in age, the amount of toxins that are put into products is insane. Kylie has dedicated herself to expanding her education outside of her business and continues to learn and share her learning with others. The love that flows from her in this avenue leads to a trust in her, her products and her expansive knowledge. If there was anyone I trust to purchase from or consult with it’s Kylie. She is pure magic!”

  • Cheryl

    Kylie has always been my source to go to for ways to better myself. She has given me many recipes to try and has recommended many herbs to use. I would highly recommend her as a go-to source.

  • Anna

    I’m always looking for natural remedies and daily products. So thankful to have someone to reach out to with a wealth and thirst for knowledge. Kylie either knows what you need or where to find it. She is truly dedicated to the overall health and wellness of her community. And more importantly she works hard to treat the body as a whole and not just the symptom.