Quick & Easy Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is something I have had on hand for a few years now. My kids take a teaspoon a day and I like to take a tablespoon. It’s an easy way to boost your immune system, soothe a sore throat, or ease a stubborn cough. With so many medicines shouting for our attention during cold/flu season, it’s not a bad idea to make sure you have a natural or preventative option at home. 

About the ingredients: Elderberries have natural vitamin A and C, plus it’s packed with antioxidants. Ginger is anti-inflammatory and eases aches and pains of viral infections. Clove is an analgesic and high in antioxidants. Rosehips are rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants, and improve cardiovascular health. Cinnamon is anti-inflammatory, supports the digestive system, fights infections, etc. 

This syrup can be used frequently when you have cold and flu symptoms.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe


1 cup dried elder (Sambucus nigra or S. canadensis) berry 

1 tbsp ginger (Zingiber officinale) root, grated

Handful of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) flower buds

(I also added 4 Tbsp. Rosehips and 3 cinnamon sticks)

6 cups water

11⁄2 cups local raw honey (Please use organic maple syrup instead of honey for children under 1 year of age).


• Bring herbs and water to a boil and simmer gently for 45-60 minutes, or until 2-3 cups of liquid remains. Keep a close eye on this decoction while it simmers lest it evaporates entirely!

• Remove liquid from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature.

• Strain herbs through a fine mesh filter or several layers of cheesecloth over a bowl or wide-mouth jar. Press the plant material (marc) to squeeze out every last drop of decoction. Compost herbs and reserve liquid in a sterilized, quart- sized glass jar.

• Stir 11⁄2 cups of raw honey into liquid. Mix well.

• Label, refrigerate, and use within 4-6 weeks.

• To use, take 2 teaspoons every 3 hours at the first sign of a viral infection.

Recipe adapted from The Herbal Academy.


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